Bytecode Alliance Election Results
Each December the Bytecode Alliance conducts elections to fill important roles on our governing Board and Technical Steering Committee (TSC). I’m pleased to announce the results of our just-held December 2024 election, in which our Recognized Contributors (RCs) selected three Elected Delegates to the TSC and one At-Large Director to represent them on the Alliance Board.
TSC Elected Delegates
The Bytecode Alliance Technical Steering Committee acts as the top-level governing body for projects and Special Interest Groups hosted by the Alliance, ensuring they further the Alliance’s mission and are conducted in accordance with our values and principles. The TSC also oversees the Bytecode Alliance Recognized Contributor program to encourage and engage individual contributors as participants in Alliance projects and groups. As defined in its charter the TSC is composed of representatives from each Alliance Core Project and individuals selected by Recogized Contributors.
Our new TSC Elected Delegates (and their GitHub IDs, as we know each other in our RC community) are:
- Andrew Brown (@abrown)
- Bailey Hayes (@ricochet)
- Oscar Spencer (@ospencer)
They will each serve a two-year term on the TSC.
At-Large Director
Our RCs are also represented by two At-Large Directors they select to serve on our Board (as described in our organization bylaws), with overlapping two-year terms staggered to start each January. In this most recent election The Recognized Contributors chose Bailey Hayes (@ricochet) as At-Large Director.
I look forward to working with each of our electees, and am happy to introduce them here as part of bringing them onboard in their new roles. You’ll find our full Board and TSC listed on the About page of our website.
Thank you to all our Recognized Contributors for taking part in the election process and in general for their ongoing support of Alliance projects and communities. I’d also like to thank our outgoing leadership for their outstanding work - Nick Fitzgerald (@fitzgen) as TSC Chair and Elected Delegate, and Till Schneidereit (@tschneidereit) as Elected Delegate and At-Large Director.